Live China Music heads into the heartland of Yangpu where one of Shanghai’s best kept secrets resides – NEO Bar. For over eight years it has given solace to the young corruptible souls and ruffians who like their rock and roll front and center – as audiences and bands spill into one another – creating an intimate dance of sweat, cheers, and gut-busting melodies. And this winter we’ve assembled quite the lineup – a cold snap of a lineup full of post punk grooves, shimmering shoegaze reverb, and earth-shaking riffs that’ll shake you out of your stupor and have you dancing late into the night. On the lineup: special guests from Hangzhou – Tomorrow’s Salt. The post-punk outfit, led by former Wisdom Tooth singer and guitarist Li Wangnian bring forth razor-sharp melodies rich in lyricism and arrangements both tender and playful – unafraid to slow down the pace to an affectionate simmer before cutting loose with a jangly off-kilter chord progression that ratchets up the tension with each turn. Joining them are rising shoegaze band Pale Air – who inject their sound with turbulent tension, excavating into the mirroring contrasting states of happiness and pain, finding an almost cosmic beauty and rage in the reverb-heavy resonance and creating a storm of emotions that are bound to stir you up. Finally, veteran indie rock outfit Naohai 闹海, known for their rugged indie rock that’s volatile, lean and filled with buoyant post-punk breakdowns and atmospheric post rock crescendos chiseled with soaring musicality, are back and ready for a fight.
Live China Music 秘访位于杨浦心脏地带的NEO Bar——上海藏得最深的秘密之一。八年来,NEO Bar一直在滋养一群年轻的阴魂和恶棍,这群家伙喜欢到处显摆他们的的摇滚乐,让观众和乐队到处搅和在一起,从他们暧昧的舞蹈中浸出一把脏汗、一阵欢呼、一段胆大妄为的旋律。所以,这个冬天,我们就召集了这个寒流阵容——凉飕飕后朋克律动+亮闪闪自赏混响+摇晃晃连复段,把烂醉的你摇起来嗨,一直跳舞到深夜。演出阵容中有:明天的盐,一群来自杭州的怪客这个后朋克组合由Wisdom Tooth的前主唱/吉他黎忘年领衔,出产刀锋一般而又不失抒情和嬉笑的旋律。他们还有个拿手的技巧:一枪打断含情脉脉的文火慢炖,硬来一套刺耳离谱的和弦进行,在每次节奏转折的喘息循环中让你愈加紧绷。加入舞局的是状态猛涨的自赏乐队淡色艾尔——他们在声音隧洞中注入紧张的涡流,挖掘出同时放映欢乐与痛苦的魔镜,进而在重型混响的谐振中探索到广阔无垠的狂暴美景,一场让你七情五感飞升的风暴就要来了。最后,独立摇滚资深老兵——闹海乐队向我们走来了。他们以粗粝险峻的独立摇滚著称,他们瘦削精悍、极易挥发,他们充满踊跃浮动的后朋克breakdown,他们推出层层递进的后摇滚空气墙,他们高亢的歌声棱角分明,他们回来了,他们即将挑起一场大混战!
Music that cuts like a swift cold wave, expect to have your senses dazed this December. 这是迅猛寒潮般的音乐,今年12月来袭,小心你的五感都被封冻哦。
LiveChinaMusic presents Cold Snap 寒流
Date 时间: 12月19日 20:30pm
Line Up 阵容
明天的盐 Tomorrow’s Salt
淡色艾尔 Pale Air
闹海 Naohai
ADD地址: NEO Bar (上海市杨浦区国定路335号杨浦科技创业中心1号楼NEO Bar)
TICKETS 扫码购票: Presale 预售 70 / Door 现场 90
明天的盐 Tomorrow’s Salt
Post-Punk / Indie
Former Wisdom Tooth singer and guitarist Li Wangnian returns with a vengeance under the guise of Tomorrow’s Salt, a post punk outfit that keeps the focus on its razor-sharp yet emotionally potent lyricism and jangly and loose melodies. This is most evident on the exceptional ‘雨朵’ which manages to find the beauty and innocence lurking in the dark corners of the genre. And a reminder of the surprises still to be found in the increasingly saturated post punk scene here in China.
闹海 Naohai
Indie/Post Punk
Naohai 闹海, known for their rugged indie rock that’s volatile and filled with playful post-punk breakdowns and atmospheric post rock soundscapes.
淡色艾尔 Pale Air
Shoegaze / Post Rock
酒精也许是我们的趋势因子,碰撞产生的随机事件便催生了Pale Air。幽咽冰籁消解为肃冷的苍白空气,倾泻于效果器与学府温室的间隙。在延绵无尽、悠远开阔的吉他回响和尖锐颤动的失真轰鸣之间,我们低头抬头,不断探索着更多的可能性。
Excavating into the mirroring contrasting states of happiness and pain, the young band are aiming for something more transcendent within their music, finding an almost cosmic beauty and rage in the reverb-heavy resonance and nebulous yet impassioned lyrics. They cut through their sound with fierce dissipated force, creating a storm of emotions that are bound to stir you up.
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