New Music: Zoogazer, wavwave, Far Infinity, Vengeful Spectre, playrec

Zoogazer 动物园钉子户 – Hiding In Your Room 藏在你的房間

Toeing the line between pop and indie, Jiangsu’s Zoogazer has been wrapping audiences around their finger since their 2018 debut and their newest EP Hiding In Your Room, off of SJ Records, finds them taking their jangly reverb-filled sound and rounding it out with warm-hued city pop melodies that float effortlessly on wavey charisma and synth-powered jubilation. Their edges may have softened but there’s no denying the richly layered arrangements that glisten with youthful vigor and deft musicianship. 


wavwave – administrator
Far Infinity – Data Matrik

Beijing-based label Prajnasonic continues to bridge the gap between mainstream club sounds and experimental electronic music with these pair releases from label founders wavwave and Far Infinity. Chock full of dark, muscular groove, sharp edges, slick, pulse-pounding rhythms, and a labyrinthian architecture that you’ll find gliding getting lost in, it’s hard techno music made for those who live on the fringes of electronic music. 

总部位于北京的电子乐厂牌Prajnasonic一如既往地探索着跨越主流俱乐部音乐和实验性电子乐的更深层的创作理念,由此唱片创始人wavwave and Far Infinity联合发布了这组创作。黑暗充斥着,肌体悦动着,脉冲撞击着,敏锐而激进,强劲而流畅,错综而复杂,身体被轻易地带入,自然而然地深陷其中,这些hard techno music因那些游走在电子音乐中的灵魂而生。

Vengeful Spectre 殞煞 – Vengeful Spectre 殞煞

China’s black metal resurgence finds its latest ally in Jinzhou’s Vengeful Spectre – whose riotous compelling and spine-tingling self-titled debut is a must-have for any metal lover out there. A toxic alchemy of traditional Chinese instrumentals and black metal may seen like an easy sell, but when it’s done with such fist-pumping virtuoso and dripping blood in propulsive wartime atmosphere, it’s hard not to take notice. Released on metal mainstays Pest Productions, it’s devastatingly intense and strikingly raw, and wastes no time charging into battle alongside its thunderous drums and menacing metal riffs.

最近,来自锦州和汕头的殒煞重拾国内黑金属的接力棒,为乐迷献上狂暴肃杀的同名专辑《殒煞》。虽说传统民乐注入黑金属是个屡试不爽的老配方,但是专辑中过硬的演奏技艺和逼真的战争氛围塑造才是重点。由金属大厂Pest Production发行,殒煞携雷霆震慑的鼓点和生猛侵略的riff即刻杀入战场。

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Xiang 响 + Sun Wei 孙玮 – A Performance

Shanghai’s avant-garde electronic-leading label playrec has been keeping busy with an array of releases including this live performance from Chengdu-based sound artists Xiang and Sun Wei. Performed last December at the Sally Can’t Dance avant-garde music festival (still going strong), the improvisational collaboration throws field recordings and computer-based fragmentations through/alongside the many ports and tones of the Korg MS-20. Strangely comforting sounds that are both warmly human and industrial-minded.

上海先锋电子厂牌playrec发了不少新专,这张现场专辑就在其列。专辑记录了去年12月的sally can’t dance先锋音乐节上,来自成都的声音艺术家响和孙玮基于田野录音与电子设备(Korg MS-20等)干预的即兴声音实验。杂糅了人类温度和机械逻辑,该实验结果有奇异的疗愈作用。

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