Red House 红房子 – In Red Fairy Tales 红色童话中
Red House 红房子 – In Red Fairy Tales 红色童话中 Math rock makes its way over to Xi’an via Red House, a three-piece outfit that formed in 2016 but didn’t settle on their sound or core lineup till last year. And what a breathe of fresh air to emerge from the Tang Dynasty capital. Playful yet potent; elastic yet rigorous – the five-track release combines elements of both post rock and emo rock to conjure up a sound that’s akin to the sea – calm in moments but constantly at the whim of the rising tides.
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Joy Ginger 化骨龙 – Spring Ravine 春涧
While last year’s ‘Love Is Medicine’ showed the prolific Beijing producer stretching his wings into atmospheric bass-heavy bangers and eschewed industrial chop-shop sounds – his latest EP Spring Ravine, brings us back to airy R&B texture the artist has become known for. And what a delight it is. It’s a sun-baked party condensed to three tracks full of Sega Genesis whimsy and punch-drunk future pop numbers that wrap you up in silk and goes down like champagne. Devilishly seductive.
去年的专辑《Love Is Medicine》向我们展示了这位多产的北京制作人将他的音乐触手延展向氛围重低音的领域,避开工业声音的转变。而他的最新EP《春涧》,则将我们又带回到了这位艺术家为乐迷所熟知的空灵R&B节奏中,令人无比激动。这是一场日晒派对,浓缩为三首充满Sega Genesis(电子游戏) 的奇想妙想和眩晕科幻的数字流行的乐曲,被丝滑缠绕,被香槟醉倒,妖娆诱惑。
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Late Troubles – Language Barrier
Chen Xi, frontman of the influential post-punk trio Snapline, digs into his bonafide indie pop chops – evoking everything from Thom Yorke to Lightspeed Champion – as he confronts the ‘dislocation and alienation of a newly arrived Chinese immigrant in America’ and the language barriers that follow him every step of the way. Along with the help of Toronto producer Zuo Wei (aka WISEFAKE), Xi has crafted a bewitching and lyrically lush ode to the complexities of being in a foreign place, finding comfort (offbeat as it may be) in the strangest of times.
陈曦,新一代极具影响力的后朋克三人乐队Snapline的主唱, 在面对其来自中国的美国新移民身份时所产生的错位感和疏远感以及生活中的每一步所伴随着的语言障碍时,尝试不断发掘个人的独立流行音乐创作力,聆听他的作品唤醒了对从Thom Yorke到Lightspeed Champion的一切记忆。在多伦多制作人Zuo Wei(又名WISEFAKE)的帮助下,陈曦为身处异国他乡由来的错综复杂的生活感悟精心制作了一支令人着迷又充满诗意的颂歌,在最魔幻的日子里寻找慰藉(又或许是另类)。
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Jurat T.T – Mr. Tree’s Story II
Xinjiang-raised musician Jurat T.T has been a fixture of the Beijing music scene for quite some take – evoking psychedelic rock and roll legends of yesteryear whilst weaving in his own heritage and Uyghur upbringing. It’s an alluring blend of these backgrounds at the forefront of his band and their latest release, Mr. Tree’s Story II, a sequel to last year’s release – which paints a rustic rock and roll soul full of cosmic mystique, melancholic afterglow, and a frontier spirit.
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