Daydreams rendered through animation and more with the latest music videos from Beijing’s Chui Wan and Chengdu’s Soundtoy.
Chui Wan – Sheep’s Shadow 羊的影子
Chui Wan has smartly put out a music video for just about every track on their latest LP, The Landscape the Tropics Never, each distinctly hypnotizing, perfectly capturing the heightened surreal reality that the psychedelic groovers reside in. My favorite track on the album (and one of the favorite tracks period this year) ‘Sheep’s Shadow’ is an animated masterpiece. Created by visual artist Tu Qian, layers of color and poetic narrative collide in this beautiful daydream of a video. Beautiful stuff.
Soundtoy 声音玩具 – I Have A Dream我有一个梦想
Founded in 1999 in Chengdu, by the singer-songwriter Ou Jiayuan, Soundtoy has since become one of the most influential bands in the Chinese rock music scene, writing one epic indie showstopper after another. Their latest single continues that trend by taking its name from Martin Luther King Jr. himself. ‘I Have A Dream’ finds chaotic beauty in the dreams of band’s younger stuff using a mix of animation, micro zooms, and other dreamlike film effects.
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